Webinars, virtual panels and masterclasses with experts.

Nous sommes conscients qu'il s'agit d'un domaine complexe. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous êtes entre de bonnes mains. Nous aimons mettre notre expertise au service de nos clients et partenaires. Cela commence, tout à fait gratuitement, par une série de livres blancs. Bonne lecture.

NB : Pour l’instant, les livres blancs sont disponibles uniquement en anglais. Envoyez-nous une demande (hello@flexecharge.com) si vous souhaitez les recevoir en français.

The Power of Broker Architecture for CPOs - Part I
The Power of Broker Architecture for CPOs - Part I

An exclusive masterclass led by Robert Brehm, CTO & Co-founder of FLEXeCHARGE, on the concept of broker architecture.

EV charging infrastructure: how Dynamic Load Management, Solar Curtailment and battery storage integration are helping to overcome grid-related issues
EV charging infrastructure: how Dynamic Load Management, Solar Curtailment and battery storage integration are helping to overcome grid-related issues

Are you involved in planning, installing, or servicing EV charging sites where grid capacity is limited? Join us for an exciting webinar on how Dynamic Load Management, Solar Curtailment, and battery storage integration are helping overcome grid challenges

Deploying fast-charging hubs in the Netherlands: challenges, opportunities & solutions
Deploying fast-charging hubs in the Netherlands: challenges, opportunities & solutions

Grid limitation & congestion. This has now become the #1 problem that charging operators face when wanting to deploy their network of fast and high-power chargers. How can one circumvent this problem? Is the situation on the Dutch market a preview of what is going to happen in the rest of Europe, as electrification of transport accelerates more and more towards the end of the decade? To discuss those very hot topics, we have gathered a panel of EV charging professionals who have very strong technical & strategical skills, combined with an extensive knowledge of the Dutch market.

Battery storage & EV charging: Challenges, Opportunities & Solutions
Battery storage & EV charging: Challenges, Opportunities & Solutions

‍In this virtual panel, leading industry experts will discuss the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with EV charging infrastructure. ‍‍‍Sign up and explore the challenges and solutions in battery storage for EV charging through an engaging Q&A format with our experts.

German grid regulation and EV charging infrastructure: How to deal with grid operators' control requirements.
German grid regulation and EV charging infrastructure: How to deal with grid operators' control requirements.

In this virtual panel, in German, leading industry experts discuss the challenges posed by the new energy regulation, which gives Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) the right to control charging stations remotely. Yes, we are talking about the (in)famous Technical Connection Rules for Low- and Medium-Voltage ("VDE-AR-N").

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