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The Power of Broker Architecture for CPOs, Part IV: How to best integrate CPMS and Load & Energy management systems
Join us for the grand finale of our Masterclass Series on the Power of the FLEXECHARGE CONNECT Architecture for EV Charging and Advanced Load & Energy Management!
In this session, Robert Brehm, CTO & Co-founder of FLEXECHARGE, and Tom Kuijsten, CTO of EVesto, will debunk common myths and explore how seamless collaboration between a Load & Energy Management SaaS and a CPMS creates a future-proof technology stack for CPOs.
What’s on the agenda?
- Myth busting: Why an OCPP broker is the key to seamlessly integrating load and energy management with a CPMS.
- Different paths to advanced Energy Management Systems (EMS): Comparing EMS implementation via a broker vs. a CPMS—pros and cons of the different integration options on factors such as speed to market, vendor flexibility and managing your IT business risks.
- Unlocking new opportunities: How a broker simplifies CPMS migration & integration, and how energy and power flow data from an energy data broker provides critical insights for CPOs.
- The evolution of CPMS and EMS: future trends
Robert Brehm
co-founder & CTO at FLEXECHARGE

Tom Kuijsten
co-founder & CTO of EVesto